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Showing posts from March, 2016

Are we living too globally?

Over the past several months, I've been doing a lot of thinking.  In light of recent tragedies both in the U.S. and abroad - whether domestic issues or terrorist activities - I've begun to take a look at myself and what I can do to make a difference.  I want to make a difference so that my children do not grow up seeing violence and hate everywhere they go.  I want my children to understand that they can make a difference in the grander scheme of life.  But, how do I teach them to do this? One question that keeps coming to mind is whether or not we are living in a world that thinks too globally instead of locally.  Technology and social media have allowed us to view atrocious acts of violence and deprivation throughout the world.  Acts which need people to step in to stop and change for the better.  We need people and organizations who are willing to act globally.  However, as I look at the community around me, this same technology and social media has caused a great divide i