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Britax Frontier Click Tight

I try very hard not to be too much of a helicopter mom and let my children learn through experience.  This often means skinned knees, bumps and bruises.  But, there's one area of our lives where I am unwilling to take risks with my the car.

In watching out for my children's car safety, I have found that what sometimes may appear to be a good car seat can really be a pain in your you-know-where.  Do parents really need to have a Ph.D. in physics in order to properly install the car seats?  For some seats, the answer appears to be yes.

When my oldest daughter outgrew her convertible car seat and I was not ready for her to be in a regular booster seat, I did my research and fell in love with the Britax Frontier harness booster seat.  It is narrow, so you can fit multiple seats in the back row, it's fairly easy to install, and it keeps my wiggly child contained should we ever be in an accident.  So, when my son grew to the size where he, too, needed a booster seat, I immediately went running back to the store to get another Britax Frontier.  Boy, was I surprised at the changes made in the seat!

It's still called the Britax Frontier, but it's now in a click-tight format.  What does this mean?  Basically, it means that you don't need to practice lifting weights before attempting to install the car seat.  When I thought that the original Frontier model was easy to install, I didn't know what easy was.  This car seat is not only made to grow with my child, but also made for being moved from one vehicle to the next - absolutely necessary now that my career as mom carpool driver is taking off at lightning speeds.

The Frontier Click Tight still provides amazing safety and protection for my child and can easily be converted from a harness to buckle position when I'm ready to make the next car seat move with my children.

Thank you to Britax for making a safe and easy-to-install car seat!

This post was not sponsored.  No goods, services, or money were exchanged for this review.  All comments and opinions are my own.


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