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Who has under eye problems?

It seems like I have tried just about every product out there to disguise the problems my skin gives me.  Acne, oily skin, dry skin, blotchy name it.  Every time I've mastered disguising one of these problems, my skin changes and it's on to a new challenge.  Now, I am facing the challenge of the baggy, puffy, dark circles under my eyes.

Unlike the saggy skin around my midsection that proves my body expanded to grow a child or the droopy chest that demonstrates I nursed my children, all the under eye problems only do is say I'm completely and utterly exhausted.  I can hide - and even improve - the my midsection and chest areas with Spanx and push up bras.  I can even increase my breast size back to its pre-birth size with the amazingness of padded bras.  I can also hide every single stretch mark on my body with my clothing.  But, under's right there staring - literally - everyone in the face.

So, I've been searching around, and around, and around for a quality under eye concealer.  I have to say, I have a few.  I'm sure someone, somewhere out there could go into the scientific and environmental pro's and con's of each, but I'll just tell you my personal impressions.

Jane Iredale Circle/Delete
This was the first under eye concealer that I used after kids and LOVED.  It is, by far, my favorite line of makeup and also an amazing concealer.  The only problem with it is that it is extremely difficult to find without ordering online.  Nordstrom carries it, but not in their stores.  If you want to sample it, you have to find a local spa or esthetician who carries the Jane Iredale makeup line.  While I am not against ordering things online, I do always seem to have the problem of waiting to order my under eye concealer until I am absolutely out.  So, I cannot wait for the shipping.  I need the product now, and have looked for - and found - products I feel do just as good a job as Circle/Delete.

Bobbi Brown Creamy Concealer Kit
When I found out that Nordstrom only carries Jane Iredale in their stores and was in desperate need of a new concealer, I tried out Bobbi Brown's Creamy Concealer Kit.  This concealer is a bit different in that it contains both a cream and powder.  And, while it does a decent job of concealing, I wasn't too fond of the powder portion of the kit.  I felt it highlighted the wrinkles for which I may soon have to find another product.  For this reason, I continued my search.
Bobbi Brown Creamy Concealer Kit

Benefit Fakeup
While I was in Ulta looking at all of the concealers they had, a sales lady gave me a sample of Benefit's Fakeup.  Not being one who thinks much of products being pushed by salespeople, I didn't think much of this and just tossed it in my makeup bag when I got home.  Then, I ran out of the concealer I was using and needed something immediately.  I grabbed the Fakeup and was immediately surprised at how easy it was to apply (you can see both the concealer and moisturizer in each tube) and how it gave me a very nice natural look.  It's not a product I use when I'm trying my best not to look like Mommy, but it's great for everyday wear.  I plan to continue buying this so that I can amaze my favorite coffee baristas with my "alert" look before they pour me my triple shot espresso in the morning.
Benefit Fakeup

Benefit It's Potent Eye Cream & Boi-ing Concealer
The mothership has landed!!  Here is the combination I landed on for those times when I need to look like someone other than Mommy.  It's a combination of using Benefit's It's Potent Eye Cream and their Boi-ing Concealer.  Not only do my dark circles disappear, but my eyes literally brighten with the eye cream.  It's my happy makeup.  I realize that makeup shouldn't impact my overall emotions, but I feel like this combination does.  It makes me human.  It makes me feel like I'm a part of the living.  Without getting too Shania on everyone here, Man, I feel like a woman.  It's easy to apply, although it takes a bit more time because you are applying two products instead of just one.  For this reason, I don't use it everyday.  That extra minute I save in makeup application gives me a small amount of defense while my children try to usurp my authority.  This is - by far - my favorite combination for under eye concealers.
It's Potent Eye Cream & Boi-ing Concealer

*This is not a paid endorsement of any of the above mentioned products.  No money, goods or services were exchanged for these reviews.

**Yes, I know my eyebrows need work.  However, I am not good at tweezing.  Getting them fixed involves making an appointment without children being present.  Therefore, it's been a while.  I apologize if my eyebrows scare you. 


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