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Time to rest

A poem for all of you mothers - and fathers:

My alarm clock was set for six o'clock on the dot.
You woke up much earlier, a battle we've continually fought.
You came to the side of my bed and stood stoically still.
With your nose half an inch from mine, it was quite a thrill.

We began our tug of war game we play every day.
Which clothes do you wear; a flower girl dress is not for play.
Your outfits may not match, but they will all have a theme.
All plaid, sparkles, and Hello Kitty are appropriate, or so you deem.

While we struggle to get out the door in the morning.
Your brother, Silent Warrior, found the Sharpies with no warning.
My dining room walls now need a repair.
No worries! Alcohol will provide the right care.

We make it to school, and I get a small break.
Since Costco doesn't open for another hour - I wait.
Sleep would be nice, but there isn't the time.
But, oh, just the thought is completely sublime.

School ends too soon, I only got half my list done.
Tomorrow's another day, but an early release one.
Let's get quickly home and take quiet naps.
If only you and brother could stop all the yaps.

With no naps to be had, let's find something to do.
Read some books, play with toys, I can't think of anything new.
Perhaps Pinterest will help me find something we can make.
Oh, no, all these moms make me look like a fake.

I won't be distraught; we'll just go outside.
Surely, you'll enjoy a bike or trike ride.
We'll have a grand adventure looking around.
Just, please, do not eat the things you find on the ground.

We've made it to dinner, I don't know what we'll eat.
Mac and cheese, chicken nuggets - what can't those beat?
You spilled all your milk; the dogs ate your food.
Your table manners, since yesterday, haven't improved.

Let's just finish the day, take a bath, go to bed.
Your fifty million excuses to stay awake I do dread.
We say our prayers and sing our goodnight song.
Sweet dreams, Mommy loves you, tomorrow won't be long.

I finish my chores and clean up all the mess.
It's finally time for Mommy to rest.
Yes, it's finally time for Mommy to rest.

Just one last look in your rooms and another kiss goodnight.
Another full day of memories - how you make my life bright.
Because of you I can say I am completely blessed.
But, now, it is time for Mommy to rest.


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