It's amazing the way that toddlers look at the world around them. I'm continually learning something new each day. Here's what I've learned from my toddler today... 1. Food tastes much better after it's sat on your head for a while. 2. If at first you don't succeed (with eating utensils), just dump everything on the floor. 3. McDonald's isn't healthy; dirt tastes much better. 4. I know when Mama's not looking. 5. Toys and books are fun, but puppies, remotes, and phone are more fun. 6. I will teach myself to push buttons, then I will push them constantly. It never gets boring. 7. It's more exciting if I make Mama dress me while I'm running away. 8. Why on Earth do I need to learn the word "mama", she's always there; I never need to call for her?
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