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Cloth wipes: A cloth diapering necessity

Telling people that you use cloth diapers will inevitably involve receiving the occasional glance that screams, "You're CRAZY!"  But, when you tell someone that you also use cloth wipes, they will know that you are.  However, let's think about this handy little accessory that so many people don't consider...and more should.

Whether or not you're worried about saving the environment or saving your money, cloth wipes make sense.  When you use anywhere from one wipe to the entire package just to clean Baby's bottom, you're just tossing waste and money into the garbage...not to mention putting unneeded chemicals onto Baby's bottom.  Cloth wipes are an amazing tool that most people don't even think about.  Not only are they reusable, but they cost next to nothing to either make or buy.  They are also much more efficient at cleaning that precious little bottom since they act more like a washcloth (which you can also use as wipes) than a regular wipe.

When I first started changing my baby's diapers, I noticed that the traditional, disposable wipes seemed to just move the mess around.  They also weren't absorbent when Baby began to poop or pee during the diaper change - thus leading to an even bigger mess to clean.  Baby also developed diaper rash nearly every other day despite constant diaper changes.

Once I switched to cloth wipes, I found that they were much more efficient at cleaning those messy diapers and I was able to use the wipes to absorb anything that came my way during the change.  I also noticed that, with the use of cloth wipes and just water or a shampoo/water mixture in one of the foaming soap containers, Baby's diaper rash was non-existent.

While I still travel with the traditional disposable wipes (due to ease of always having enough for any diaper change),  I have managed to only go through a very minimal amount of disposable wipes in seven months and only purchased four dozen wipes (more than enough to last until a load of diapers needs to be washed).  I wash the wipes with the diapers (in the same detergent and on a heavy duty cycle), but they have managed to keep their absorbency and quality build for the past seven months.  I foresee that they will last me a much longer time.

If you liked this post, be sure to check out some of my favorite cloth wipes, the two-sided cloth wipes, at Green Mountain Diapers.


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